Protecting your property

No insurance can fully make up for the trauma which follows loss or damage. The best protection is prevention. So, it’s worth taking time to make sure you’ve taken sensible steps to protect your property.


  • Check electrical equipment regularly to make sure flexes are in good condition and plugs are wired correctly.
  • Don’t overload circuits by using multiple adaptors.
  • Unplug any appliances not in use before you go to bed or when you go out.
  • Install smoke alarms on all floors – they save lives.

Burst pipes

  • Lag exposed water pipes and tanks in the roof space.
  • Turn off the water and drain the system if you leave the property without heat in the winter.
  • If the pipes do freeze, thaw them out slowly using hot water bottles.


  • Use door and window locks and take the keys out of the locks when you go out. Your insurance adviser will be pleased to give advice on the most suitable types of door and window locks for your property.
  • Leave a light on when you’re out in the evening or use light switch timers if you are away for a longer period.
  • Lock all garages and outbuildings when you’re out.
  • Lock ladders out of sight.
  • Cancel newspapers and milk when you go away.
  • Don’t leave keys lying around or hanging inside the letterbox.
  • Consider installing an intruder alarm – again your insurance adviser will be pleased to give you advice on the most suitable type.