Practical Steps for Managing Heat Stress on Farms

As summers become hotter and weather patterns more unpredictable, heat stress is an issue no dairy farmer can afford to ignore. Left unaddressed, it can lead to significant losses in milk production, herd health, and overall profitability. However, with a well-thought-out management plan, farmers can mitigate these impacts and keep their herds productive and healthy.
Dr. Chamberlain, CEO of Chalcombe Consultancy and a leading expert within this field, explains how UK farmers can combat the impacts of heat stress with an effective Heat Stress Management Plan.
Findings from Dr. Chamberlain’s “Keeping cows cool next summer” study provides greater insight following his joint 2022 research project undertaken in conjunction with Lallemand Animal Nutrition. This highlights key actions that farmers can undertake to reduce heat stress whilst cows are grazing.
During heatwaves, quick interventions can make a big difference:
- Water Access: Ensure all water troughs are clean, functional, and within easy reach. Cows should never be more than 100m from a water source.
- Shade Utilization: Use shaded paddocks on hot days to give cows relief from direct sunlight.
- Feeding Adjustments: Incorporate feed additives to maintain peak nutrition during stressful conditions.
For sustained heat management, consider these measures:
- ‘Siesta’ Management: Restrict grazing to cooler parts of the day and house cows during peak heat hours.
- Ventilation Enhancements: Install fans or shade structures in holding areas and barns.
- Optimised Milking Schedules: Milk cows early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures and humidity levels are lower.
To future-proof your farm, long-term strategies are essential:
- Tree Planting: Introduce shade trees along paddock boundaries to naturally cool grazing areas.
- Breeding for Heat Tolerance: Select genetic lines with greater resilience to high temperatures and humidity levels.
- Upgraded Infrastructure: Invest in state-of-the-art cooling systems for barns and shelters.
Managing heat stress requires upfront investment, but NFU Mutual’s award-winning Dairy Heat Stress Insurance, available for our existing customers, provides a financial safety net for when extreme weather strikes. This parametric policy, which has been developed with Skyline Partners and is underwritten by Markel, helps to ensure you have the resources to address some of the financial impacts and invest in future resilience.
This cover is available to purchase between the 6th January and the 1st May, subject to underwriter acceptance, and this would provide cover for identified heat stress events within the 12 month policy period.
Take action today to protect your herd. Speak with your local NFU Mutual Agent to find the right level of protection for your farm. Find your local NFU Mutual Agency office here.

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