We are currently experiencing issues with phone lines across NFU Mutual and some agencies. If you experience any problems with getting through to NFU Mutual, please continue to try. If you experience issues getting through to an agency, please contact them via webform

We are currently experiencing issues with phone lines across NFU Mutual and some agencies. If you experience any problems with getting through to NFU Mutual, please continue to try. If you experience issues getting through to an agency, please contact them via webform

Need some help? Call: 9am-5pm Mon to Fri0800 622 323

Open a pension with a single payment

To open a pension we'll ask you to choose the type of pension that you would like to open, how much you would like to invest, the funds you would like to invest into, and collect some personal details. We'll then carry out some checks and contact you about making your payment.

  • 1About opening a pension
  • 2Type of pension
  • 3Your chosen pension
  • 4Your fund choices
  • 5Your details
  • 6Summary
1step 1 of 6
step 1 of 6

About opening a pension

End/Start of Tax Year Notice: Payments must be received by NFU Mutual before 6pm on Friday 4th April in order to be invested as part of your 2024/25 allowance. Any payments received after this time will be invested as part of your 2025/26 allowance.

This form enables you to make a request to open a new Select Pension Plan for yourself or a child with a single payment.

After submitting your request we will carry out the required checks in order to set up your pension. Once these have been completed we will contact you to invite you to make payment into your pension. We will then be in touch to confirm that your money has been successfully invested.

If you would like to open a Select Pension Plan with regular payments, please call us on 0800 622323. Or, if you would like to top up an existing pension or make a payment into a different plan, please visit 'how to top-up your plan'.

About this service

When you open a Select Pension Plan with a single payment via this form you should be aware that you will be transacting with us through our direct service.

Our direct service is brought to you by NFU Mutual and NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited.

When you transact through our direct service we are not in a position to assess what is right for you when it comes to investing in a pension. You therefore are responsible for ensuring that any investment you make directly with us is suitable for you.

You should be aware that the value of your investment and any income from it may go down and you may get back less than you invested.

Further information about our direct service and how we operate can be found in Our Terms of Business [PDF: 2.7MB], please familiarise yourself with this document. An audio version is also available.

Before proceeding we ask that you read and confirm the following:

Before proceeding we require that you confirm that you are happy to transact through our direct service.

If you would like more information about our direct service or would like to speak to someone about your investment options please call us on 0800 622 323.

You can set up a Select Pension Plan for yourself or for a child. Before choosing who you would like to set up a Select Pension Plan for we ask that you familiarise yourself with the key features document:

Key Features of the Select Pension Plan [PDF: 261KB]

Payment allowances

There are limits on how much you can pay into pensions each tax year and benefit from tax relief. More information can be found in the key features document.

Payment allowances

There are limits on how much you can pay into pensions each tax year and benefit from tax relief. More information can be found in the key features document.

Basic rate tax relief will then be added to your payment.
Basic rate tax relief will then be added to your payment.

In order to proceed we need you to confirm that you have read and familiarised yourself with the Key Features of the Select Pension Plan.

You will be opening a Select Pension Plan for yourself with a single payment, before tax relief, of £.

You will be opening a Select Pension Plan for a child with a single payment, before tax relief, of £.

Investment choices

A Select Pension Plan allows you to select where you would like to invest your payment. If you choose to, you can invest into a number of NFU Mutual funds and selected funds from other providers. 

Default fund

If you are unsure which funds to invest your payment into the Select Pension Plan offers a default fund.

We have chosen the NFU Mutual Mixed Portfolio 40-85% Shares Fund as the default fund of the Select Pension Plan. 

The aim of our default fund is to enable our customers to feel confident in their decision to open a Select Pension and invest in a fund that has the potential to grow over the longer-term to help financially improve their retirement. 

Before choosing whether to invest into the default fund or to select the funds your payment is invested into please familiarise yourself with the key investor information document of the default fund:

NFU Mutual Mixed Portfolio 40 – 85% Fund Key Investor Information Document

For further information please visit the Select Pension Plan default fund page.

You should be aware that a default fund is not a personal recommendation. If you are unsure which fund is right for you, you should contact us for further guidance or take financial advice.

You have selected to invest your payment into the default fund

This is an example illustration to show the effects of charges on potential returns from the default fund. You will receive a personalised illustration based on the amount you invest:

Select Pension Example Illustration [PDF: 263KB]

More information on how funds are cleared, the pricing of units and other important information can be found in NFU Mutual My Investments Terms and Conditions:

NFU Mutual My Investments Terms and Conditions [PDF: 506KB]

Fund charges are associated with each of the funds we offer, these charges are deducted by the fund manager to cover the costs of setting up/managing their funds.

Please review the charges for the funds that your Select Pension payment will be invested into:

My Investments Guide To Charges [PDF: 216KB]

We also ask that you read the following guide to investing with NFU Mutual:

A guide to investing with NFU Mutual [PDF: 788KB]

You have selected to choose which funds your payment is invested into

This is an example illustration to show the effects of charges on potential returns from a specific fund. You will receive a personalised illustration based on the amount you invest and your chosen fund(s).

Select Pension Example Illustration [PDF: 263KB]

More information on how funds are cleared, the pricing of units and other important information can be found in NFU Mutual My Investments Terms and Conditions:

NFU Mutual My Investments Terms and Conditions [PDF: 506KB]

Fund charges are associated with each of the funds we offer, these charges are deducted by the fund manager to cover the costs of setting up/managing their funds.

Please review the charges for the funds that your Select Pension payment will be invested into:

My Investments Guide To Charges [PDF: 216KB]

We also ask that you read the following guide to investing with NFU Mutual:

A guide to investing with NFU Mutual [PDF: 788KB]

In order to proceed we need you to confirm that you have read and familiarised yourself with the Select Pension Plan Example Illustration, My Investments Guide To Charges, and latest Key Investor Information Document and/or With-Profits Investor Information Document for the fund(s) you will choose to invest your payment into and a guide to investing with NFU Mutual.

Please enter the percentage (whole numbers only) of your payment you would like to allocate to the chosen fund(s) ensuring that this totals 100% (e.g. if allocating across three funds, 33%, 33%, 34%): 

About you

In order to open a pension you must be a resident in the United Kingdom for tax purposes. 

Contact details
About the child

Bank account details

When you enter your bank account details we are not requesting that you pay us, these will be used to electronically verify you and the bank account that you will make your payment from. 

After successful verification we will contact you with an instruction to pay. If we cannot do this, we will contact you for more information.

Please enter the details of the bank account that the single payment that will set up your pension will be made from.

This is the name of the person the account belongings to, as it appears on bank statements e.g. John Smith
Your transaction

You will be opening a Select Pension for yourself with a single payment, before tax relief, of £.

Your transaction

You will be opening a Select Pension for a child with a single payment, before tax relief, of £.

Declaration for applicants opening a Select Pension for themselves

We ask all applicants to make the following declarations when applying for a plan.

I apply to become a member of the NFU Mutual Select Personal Pension Scheme and I agree to be bound by the Scheme rules as amended from time to time.

I agree to NFU Mutual Select Investment’s terms and conditions and to pay its fees and charges, as set out in ‘My Investments Guide to Charges’.

I have read the latest Key Investor Information Document and/or With-Profits Investor Information Document for the fund(s) I am investing in.

I agree to the contributions specified in my application.

I confirm that I am eligible to apply for this plan based on the information provided as to relevant UK earnings (normally your total taxable earnings), UK residency or other qualifying criteria.

I confirm that I have been provided with the opportunity to obtain further details and that, if I have requested such information, it has been provided to me before I completed my application. 

I declare that I have taken reasonable care that all statements made by me are true and complete. And, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the total payments to any registered pension scheme, in respect of which I am entitled to tax relief under Section 188 of the Finance Act 2004, will not exceed the higher of:  

  • The basic amount for that tax year; or  
  • My relevant UK earnings, within the meaning of Section 189 of the Finance Act 2004 for that tax year.  

I understand it is my responsibility to declare, on my self-assessment tax return, any contributions to registered pension schemes and I will be liable to a tax charge on any contribution in excess of the annual allowance.  

I will advise NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited, in writing, if any event occurs as a result of which I will no longer be entitled to tax relief on my contributions under Section 188 of the Finance Act 2004, by the later of:   

  • The following 5 April, and 
  • 30 days after the event occurs.  

I confirm any contributions paid before age 75 which are classed by HMRC as significant, will not be funded from any pension commencement lump sum paid from a registered pension scheme which would be regarded as recycling by HMRC.  

I accept that NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited reserves the right to make electronic or other checks about the source of the money being paid into this plan and may refuse to accept the contributions being proposed, or request documentation to confirm the identity of any individuals, beneficial owners, businesses or entities associated with the transaction.  

I agree to NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited deducting the amount of any scheme sanction charge, or other tax charge or fine or penalty levied by HMRC on NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited in respect of my Select Pension Plan from my pot. If the amount involved exceeds that available in my plan, I agree to pay the excess to NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited personally.  

I confirm that I will provide any information I am required by HMRC to provide to NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited in respect of my money purchase annual allowance or annual allowance.  

If this application and declaration are being made on behalf of a person:

  • Who is incapable by reason of mental disorder of managing and administering his/her property or affairs; or 
  • Suffering from a physical disability by reason of which he/she has difficulty executing documents in respect of the management and administration of his/her property and affairs the person making it declares that, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, all of the information given and statements made in the application are correct and complete, and all of the declarations made in the application are correct, and undertakes the obligations falling to the applicant and they are authorised to provide the information in this form. 

They understand that they may be required to provide further information relating to their status in completing this application. They confirm if they have provided personal data, they are authorised to do so.  

I authorise NFU Mutual to make an electronic record of my application.  

I accept NFU Mutual's Privacy Policy.

Declaration for applicants opening a Select Pension for a child

We ask all applicants to make the following declarations when applying for a plan.

I apply to become a member of the NFU Mutual Select Personal Pension Scheme and I agree to be bound by the Scheme rules as amended from time to time.

I agree to NFU Mutual Select Investment’s terms and conditions and to pay its fees and charges, as set out in ‘My Investments Guide to Charges’.

I have read the latest Key Investor Information Document and/or With-Profits Investor Information Document for the fund(s) I am investing in.

I agree to the contributions specified in my application.

I confirm that I am eligible to apply for this plan based on the information provided as to relevant UK earnings (normally your total taxable earnings), UK residency or other qualifying criteria.

I confirm that I have been provided with the opportunity to obtain further details and that, if I have requested such information, it has been provided to me before I completed my application. 

I declare that I have taken reasonable care that all statements made by me are true and complete. 

I accept that NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited reserves the right to make electronic or other checks about the source of the money being paid into this plan and may refuse to accept the contributions being proposed, or request documentation to confirm the identity of any individuals, beneficial owners, businesses or entities associated with the transaction.  

I agree to NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited deducting the amount of any scheme sanction charge, or other tax charge or fine or penalty levied by HMRC on NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited in respect of my Select Pension Plan from my pot. If the amount involved exceeds that available in my plan, I agree to pay the excess to NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited personally.  

I understand that the contributions paid to the Select Pension Plan may only be returned to the member in the form of benefits payable under the rules of the plan after the member attains the age of 55 (or such later age as set by legislation at the time), or earlier if the member is in poor health. 

I have completed the application on behalf of the minor. 

I will be responsible for ensuring that, for as long as the applicant is a minor, the obligations under the plan are complied with. During this time the minor will remain the beneficial owner of the Select Pension Plan. 

I will be responsible for the contract as if I am a member of the NFU Mutual Select Personal Pension Scheme until the minor reaches the age of 18 

If this application and declaration are being made on behalf of a person:

  • Who is incapable by reason of mental disorder of managing and administering his/her property or affairs; or 
  • Suffering from a physical disability by reason of which he/she has difficulty executing documents in respect of the management and administration of his/her property and affairs the person making it declares that, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, all of the information given and statements made in the application are correct and complete, and all of the declarations made in the application are correct, and undertakes the obligations falling to the applicant and they are authorised to provide the information in this form. 

They understand that they may be required to provide further information relating to their status in completing this application. They confirm if they have provided personal data, they are authorised to do so.  

I authorise NFU Mutual to make an electronic record of my application.  

I accept NFU Mutual's Privacy Policy.

I understand that I am investing in NFU Mutual’s Select Pension default fund and that the default fund is not a personal recommendation. NFU Mutual have chosen the Mixed 40-85% Shares fund as the Select Pension default fund.

Marketing preferences

We would like to send you information about products and services offered by the NFU Mutual Group and carefully selected third parties. We will use your information to identify which products and services are most relevant for you.

We will always treat your personal details with utmost care and will never sell them to other companies for marketing purposes.

To find out more about how we use your personal information, please read our Privacy Policy.

By submitting this form you are happy for us to contact you regarding your enquiry.

We're here to help

If at any stage you'd like some help or support, call us on 0800 622 323 or email customermail@nfumutual.co.uk

  • Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm