We are currently experiencing issues with phone lines across NFU Mutual and some agencies. If you experience any problems with getting through to NFU Mutual, please continue to try. If you experience issues getting through to an agency, please contact them via webform

We are currently experiencing issues with phone lines across NFU Mutual and some agencies. If you experience any problems with getting through to NFU Mutual, please continue to try. If you experience issues getting through to an agency, please contact them via webform

Speak to a local agency office about Home Insurance

Please complete this enquiry form and a member of the team from the agency you select will be in touch as soon as they are able.

If you'd prefer to speak to someone over the phone you can find contact details by searching for your local agency office.

Please note: no policy changes or claim intimations are completed until you have received confirmation from the Agency.

All fields are mandatory unless marked '(Optional)'.

Acceptance criteria

To make sure that we are able to give you a quote we would like you to confirm some details about you.

  • You have never been refused insurance, had insurance cancelled, declared void or had a renewal declined or any special terms or conditions imposed.
  • You have never been subject to any form of bankruptcy proceedings (whether discharged or not) e.g. Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs)Trust Deeds and/or been subject to any other statutory insolvency proceedings, e.g. Compulsory Voluntary Arrangements (CVAs).
  • You have never been subject to any Court Judgement e.g. CCJs in the last five years whether satisfied or not.
  • You have never been convicted of any non-motoring criminal offence, or have no prosecutions pending.
  • You have not made more than three claims in the last five years.

We'd now like you to confirm some details about the property you would like to insure.

  • Your property has never suffered from subsidence.
  • Your property has never been flooded.
  • Your property is not currently undergoing any structural alterations.

Unfortunately we might not be able to give you a competitive quote.

However if you would still like to talk to us about getting a quote please feel free to contact a local agency office by phone.

You might also like to browse the Association of British Insurer list of members, or use the a British Insurance Brokers Association find-a-broker service

Request a quote

Your details

Your policy

Your property

What is the address of the property you would like to insure?

Cover options


Compulsory Excess

Compulsory excess is the amount you have to pay if a claim is made on your Home Insurance before we pay out.

Our compulsory excess is £100 for both buildings and contents claims, including claims for accidental damage, with the exception of escape of water, flood and subsidence claims where the compulsory excess will be higher. Your policy documentation will outline these amounts. 

Voluntary Excess

Voluntary excess is the amount that you choose to pay in addition to the compulsory excess if a claim is made on your Home Insurance before we pay out.

The amount you set your voluntary excess to be impacts the premium you pay.

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Marketing Preferences

We would like to send you information about products and services offered by the NFU Mutual Group and carefully selected third parties. We will use your information to identify which products and services are most relevant for you.

We will always treat your personal details with utmost care and will never sell them to other companies for marketing purposes.

To find out more about how we use your personal information and your rights, please read our Privacy Policy.

By submitting this form you are happy for us to contact you regarding your enquiry.