Cycling Protection
Additional protection for you and your family while cycling.
Extend your bicycle cover under 'contents away from the home insurance' to include cycling accessories, personal accident cover and competition use.
This cover is only available if you are taking out a new home contents insurance policy with 'contents away from the home insurance' included or when adding to an existing policy.
Insurance overview
Cover for you and your family when cycling, whether you’re a commuter, actively participate in sport and competitions or just cycle for leisure.
Our cycle protection insurance provides additional cover to 'contents away from the home insurance', which already includes cover for theft, vandalism, loss and accidental damage with repair or new for old replacement of your bicycle.
For those keen cyclists and competition enthusiasts an additional level of protection is available, which includes cover of your cycling accessories and clothing, alternative cycle hire and personal accident benefits to the rider following a cycling accident or theft.
What's covered:
- Cycle accessories, including bike trailers, cycling luggage carriers and specialist cycling clothing: up to £500
- Alternative cycle hire: up to £100.
- Removal of excess on all pedal cycle claims under contents away from the home insurance.
- Death or permanent total disablement: up to £50,000.
- Loss of limb, sight, hearing or speech: up to £25,000.
- Hospitalisation benefit: £25 a day, up to £1,000 per incident and policy period.
- Dental Treatment: maximum of £1,000 in total for all incidents during the policy period.
- Cover for damage to pedal cycles whilst engaged in amateur competition outside the UK is limited to 60 days per policy period.
What's not covered:
- Riding on a professional basis or for business use.
- Personal accident benefits to members of the family who are under the age of 16 or over 75.
- Death or disablement occurring more than 104 weeks after the cycling accident which caused it.
The features and exclusions listed are not exhaustive. Your cover will depend on your circumstances. Limits and exclusions apply.