Valuables on NFU Mutual Home Insurance

When you get a quote for NFU Mutual Home Insurance, we'll ask you to calculate your valuables.

We define the following items as valuables: 

Laptops Mobile phones
Tablets Wearable technology
Hearing aids Gold, silver, precious metals
Watches Jewellery
Furs Fine art and collections
Stamps, coins and medal collections  

As part of your contents cover and depending on you circumstances, the unspecified valuables limit for a single item will be £2,500, £5,000 or £10,000. We ask you to specify any valuables that are worth more than the valuables limit.

We’ll also ask you to estimate the total cost of replacing all of your contents. This includes the items we consider to be valuable and those that aren’t.

If the total cost of your valuables (both unspecified and specified valuable items) are worth more than 50% of the total cost to replace all of your contents then you’ll need to call us on 0800 072 0169 and speak to our UK-based sales associates. For example, if you estimate your contents replacement value to be £40,000 and your valuables are worth £25,000, we'll need to speak to you about your insurance requirements.