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Make a single payment into your Flexibond

Making a single payment into, or 'topping up', your Flexibond is easy, with just three simple steps: you complete this single payment request form and transfer your payment to us - then we invest your money.

  • 1About making a single payment
  • 2Your details
  • 3Your transaction
  • 4Summary
1step 1 of 4
step 1 of 4

About making a single payment

This form enables you to make a single payment into an existing Flexibond. 

If you would like to make a payment into another of the investment products we offer, please visit 'how to top-up your plan'.

About this service

When you make a single payment into your existing Flexibond via this form you should be aware that you will be transacting with us through our direct service. 

Our direct service is brought to you by NFU Mutual and NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited.

When you transact through our direct service we are not in a position to assess what is right for you when it comes to topping up your Flexibond. You therefore are responsible for ensuring that any investment you make directly with us is suitable for you.

You should be aware that the value of your investment and any income from it may go down and you may get back less than you invested.

Further information about our direct service and how we operate can be found in Our Terms of Business [PDF: 2.7MB], please familarise yourself with this document. An audio version is also available.

Before proceeding we ask that you read and confirm the following:

Before proceeding we require that you confirm that you are happy to transact through our direct service.

If you would like more information about our direct service or would like to speak to someone about your investment options please call us 0800 622 323.

Your account

Need help with your policy number?

You will find your policy number on documentation related to your policy, such as your policy schedule or statement. 

Your Flexibond policy number will be in the following format: 601, 602 or 603 + five numbers, e.g. 60199999. 

Your payment

Please note: This payment will be applied based on the latest instructions you have given us regarding investments in your Flexibond.

If you would like your payment to be applied differently; would like to make changes to your existing fund choices; or change the bank account details that we hold for you, please contact us through the following web form or by calling 0800 622 323.

The maximum you can invest into a Flexibond through this service is £100,000. If you would like to invest more please call us on: 0800 622 323.

About you

Please call us to discuss whether we are able to accept your investment based on your individual circumstances on 0800 622 323.

Contact details

Where your top up will be invested

You are making a single payment of £ into your Flexibond, policy number .

This payment will be applied based on the latest instructions you have given us regarding investments in your Flexibond.

Important documents

So that you are aware of the product you are topping up we ask that you familiarise yourself with the key features of the Flexibond.

For Flexibond policies started on or before 31st December 2012:

Key Features of the NFU Mutual Flexibond Started on or Before 31st December 2012 [PDF: 165KB]

For Flexibond policies started 1st January 2o13 onwards:

Key Features of the NFU Mutual Flexibond Started 1st January 2013 onwards [PDF: 179KB]

If you would like to speak to someone about your Flexibond you can call us, 9am-5pm Monday to Friday, on 0800 622 323.

More information about the pricing of units and other important information can be found in your policy document. To obtain a copy of your policy document you should contact us.

Please also familiarise yourself with the fund(s) that your payment will be invested in by reading the appropriate Key Information Document: 

NFU Mutual Flexibond Deposit Series 3 Key Information Document

NFU Mutual Flexibond Fixed Interest Series 3 Key Information Document

NFU Mutual Flexibond International Series 3 Key Information Document

NFU Mutual Flexibond Mixed Portfolio 20 – 60% Shares Series 3 Key Information Document

NFU Mutual Flexibond Mixed Portfolio 40 – 85% Shares Series 3 Key Information Document

NFU Mutual Flexibond Mixed Portfolio Max 100% Shares Series 3 Key Information Document

NFU Mutual Flexibond UK Equity Series 3 Key Information Document

NFU Mutual Flexibond UK Equity Income Series 3 Key Information Document

NFU Mutual Flexibond With-Profits Series 3A Key Information Document

NFU Mutual Flexibond With-Profits Series 4 Key Information Document

We have provided an example illustration to show the effects of charges on potential returns from a specific fund, you will receive a personalised illustration based on the amount you invest and the latest instructions you have given us regarding investments in your Flexibond. Before proceeding please review this example illustration: 

Flexibond Example Illustration [PDF: 708KB]

We also ask you to read the following guide, this guide to investing with NFU Mutual aims to help you decide where to invest your money:

A guide to investing with NFU Mutual [PDF: 788KB]

In order to proceed we need you to confirm that you have read and familiarised yourself with Key Features of the NFU Mutual Flexibond, the Key Information Documents for the fund(s) your payment will be invested into, the Flexibond Example Illustration and a guide to investing with NFU Mutual.

You're almost done!

There are two more steps to complete your top-up, please:

1. Agree to the declaration below and submit this form
2. Transfer your payment to the following account: 

Account name: NFU Mutual
Sort code: 20-83-08
Account number: 90651850
Payment reference:
Payment amount: £

Please send the payment from your personal bank account to us within 5 days. If we do not receive your payment by this time we will assume you no longer wish to proceed - you won't need to take any further action.

Once received your payment will be processed within one working day.


We ask all policyholders to make the following declarations when making a single payment into a policy. 
I declare that: 

  • I have read the relevant Key Features of the NFU Mutual Flexibond and Key Information Document for the fund(s) I am investing in. 
  • I declare that I have taken reasonable care that all statements made by me are true and complete. 
  • I accept that NFU Mutual reserves the right to make electronic or other checks about the source of the money being paid into this policy and may refuse to accept the payments being proposed, or request documentation to confirm the identity of any individuals, beneficial owners, businesses or entities associated with the transaction. 
  • I authorise NFU Mutual to make an electronic record of my application. 

By submitting this form you are happy for us to contact you regarding your enquiry.

To find out more about how we use your personal information, please read our Privacy Policy Information.

We're here to help

If at any stage you'd like some help or support, call us on 0800 622 323 or email

  • Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm