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Open an investment with a single payment

To open an investment we'll ask you to choose either a Flexibond or a Select Investment Plan, how much you would like to invest, the funds you would like to invest into and collect some personal details. We'll then carry out some checks and contact you about making your payment.

  • 1About opening an investment
  • 2Product selection and payment
  • 3Your chosen investment product
  • 4Your fund choices
  • 5Your details
  • 6Second applicant's details
  • 7Declarations
1step 1 of 7
step 1 of 7

About opening an investment

This form enables you to make a request to open a new personal Flexibond or Select Investment Plan with a single payment.

After submitting your request we will carry out the required checks in order to set up your investment product. Once these have been completed we will contact you to invite you to make payment into your investment product. We will then be in touch to confirm that your money has been successfully invested.

If you would like to open a Flexibond or Select Investment Plan with regular payments, please call us on 0800 622323. Or, if you would like to top up an existing Flexibond or Select Investment Plan or make a payment into a different plan, please visit 'how to top-up your plan'.

About this service

When you open a Flexibond or Select Investment Plan with a single payment via this form you should be aware that you will be transacting with us through our direct service.

Our direct service is brought to you by NFU Mutual and NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited.

When you transact through our direct service we are not in a position to assess if the Flexibond or Select Investment Plan is right for you. You therefore are responsible for ensuring that any investment you make directly with us is suitable for you.

You should be aware that the value of your investment and any income from it may go down and you may get back less than you invested.

Further information about our direct service and how we operate can be found in Our Terms of Business [PDF: 2.7MB], please familiarise yourself with this document. An audio version is also available.

Before proceeding we ask that you read and confirm the following:

Before proceeding we require that you confirm that you have read Our Terms of Business and are happy to transact through our direct service.

If you would like more information about our direct service or would like to speak to someone about your investment options please call us 0800 622 323.

Your product options

You can open a Flexibond or a Select Investment Plan. To help you decide which, we ask that you familiarise yourself with the key features document of the investment product you would like to open. 


A Flexibond is an investment bond that is set up as an insurance policy that pays out 101% of the investment value on death, so that it can benefit from a favourable tax treatment.

Through a Flexibond you can invest into a number of NFU Mutual funds with varying levels of risk to suit a range of needs

A Flexibond is designed as a long-term investment to be held for at least 5 years, with no fixed term. Each policy year you can withdraw up to 5% of the total amount you’ve invested, without having to pay any tax at that time. If you take withdrawals of more than 5% of your accumulated allowance in a policy year or fully cash in your Flexibond, you may have to pay some higher or additional rate income tax. If you do not use your 5% allowance it can be carried forward to use in future years. 

A Flexibond can be opened singularly or jointly with up to four owners, with two lives assured. Through this service you can open a Flexibond with a maximum of two owners who are also the lives assured. If you wish to have more than two joint owners or different lives assured, please call us on 0800 622323.

To open a Flexibond, you and/or the joint owner must be over 18 and under 85 years old.

You must be a resident in the UK for tax purposes to open a Flexibond through this service.

Key features of the NFU Mutual Flexibond [PDF: 200KB]

Select Investment Plan

A Select Investment Plan is a general investment account allowing investors to invest into a number of funds from NFU Mutual and selected providers with varying levels of risk to suit a range of needs.

A Select Investment Plan is designed as a long-term investment to be held for at least 5 years, with no fixed term.

You can make withdrawals at anytime, if you are not closing your plan a minimum of £1,000 must remain. Any gains you make will be taxed under the Capital gains tax rules and any dividend or interest payments will be subject to Income tax.

You can open a Select Investment Plan if you are 18 or over and a UK resident for tax purposes, and a plan can be held in one name or two.

Key features of the My Investments Select Investment Plan [PDF: 205KB]

The tax treatment of Flexibonds and Select Investment Plans depend on individual circumstances and may change in the future.

Your payment
If you are aged 80-84 years old the minimum opening payment is £20000.

In order to proceed we need you to confirm that you have read and familiarised yourself with the key features document of the investment product you would like to open.

Your transaction

You will be opening a with a single payment of £

Are you opening this for you only or jointly with somebody else?

Policy documentation

A Flexibond allows you to invest in a number of NFU Mutual funds, in the next step you will be asked to choose the funds you would like to invest your payment into. 

This is an example illustration to show the effects of charges on potential returns from a specific fund. You will receive a personalised illustration based on the amount you invest and your chosen fund(s).

Flexibond Example Illustration [PDF: 708KB]

More information on how funds are cleared, the pricing of units, charges and terms and conditions can be found in the policy document:

Policy Document for the NFU Mutual Flexibond [PDF: 190KB]

Please also familiarise yourself with the funds that you can choose to invest your payment in by reading the appropriate Key Information Document(s):

Deposit Series 3 Key Information Document

Fixed Interest Series 3 Key Information Document

International Series 3 Key Information Document

Mixed Portfolio 20 – 60% Shares Series 3 Key Information Document

Mixed Portfolio 40 – 85% Shares Series 3 Key Information Document

Mixed Portfolio Max 100% Shares Series 3 Key Information Document

UK Equity Series 3 Key Information Document

UK Equity Income Series 3 Key Information Document

With-Profits Series 4 Key Information Document

We also ask you to read the following guide, this guide to investing with NFU Mutual aims to help you decide where to invest your money:

A guide to investing with NFU Mutual [PDF: 788KB]

Please confirm that both the first and second applicant have read and familiarised themselves with the Flexibond Example Illustration, Policy Document for the NFU Mutual Flexibond, the Key Information Documents for the fund(s) you will choose to invest your payment into and a guide to investing with NFU Mutual:

In order to proceed we need you to confirm that you have read and familiarised yourself with the Flexibond Example Illustration, Policy Document for the NFU Mutual Flexibond, the Key Information Documents for the fund(s) you will choose to invest your payment into and a guide to investing NFU Mutual.

Plan documentation

A Select Investment Plan allows you to invest in a number of NFU Mutual funds and selected funds from other providers, in the next step you will be asked to choose the funds you would like to invest your payment into. 

This is an example illustration to show the effects of charges on potential returns from a specific fund. You will receive a personalised illustration based on the amount you invest and your chosen fund(s).

Select Investment Plan Example Illustration [PDF: 213KB]

More information on how funds are cleared, the pricing of units and other important information can be found in NFU Mutual My Investments Terms and Conditions:

NFU Mutual My Investments Terms and Conditions [PDF: 506KB]

Fund charges are associated with each of the funds we offer, these charges are deducted by the fund manager to cover the costs of setting up/managing their funds.

Please review the charges for the funds that your Select Investment Plan payment will be invested into:

My Investments Guide to Charges [PDF: 171KB]

Please also familiarise yourself with the funds that your payment will be invested in by reading the appropriate Key Investor Information Document(s):

NFU Mutual Fixed Interest Fund Key Investor Information Document

NFU Mutual International Equity Fund Key Investor Information Document

NFU Mutual Mixed Portfolio 20 – 60% Fund Key Investor Information Document

NFU Mutual Mixed Portfolio 40 – 85% Fund Key Investor Information Document

NFU Mutual Mixed Portfolio Max 100% Fund Key Investor Information Document

NFU Mutual UK Equity Fund Key Investor Information Document

NFU Mutual UK Equity Income Fund Key Investor Information Document

abrdn Global Sustainable and Responsible Investment Equity Fund Key Investor Information Document

abrdn UK Real Estate Feeder Fund Key Investor Information Document

Columbia Threadneedle High Yield Bond Fund Key Investor Information Document

JP Morgan GBP Liquidity Fund Key Investor Information Document

Jupiter UK Smaller Companies Fund Key Investor Information Document

We also ask you to read the following guide, this guide to investing with NFU Mutual aims to help you decide where to invest your money:

A guide to investing with NFU Mutual [PDF: 788KB]

Please confirm that both the first and second applicant have read and familiarised themselves with the Select Investment Plan Example Illustration, My Investments Terms and Conditions, My Investments Guide to Charges, the Key Investor Information Documents for the fund(s) you will choose to invest your payment into and a guide to investing with NFU Mutual:

In order to proceed we need you to confirm that you have read and familiarised yourself with the Select Investment Plan Example Illustration, My Investments Terms and Conditions, My Investments Guide to Charges, the Key Investor Information Documents for the fund(s) you will choose to invest your payment into and a guide to investing with NFU Mutual. 

Please enter the percentage (whole numbers only) of your investment you would like to allocate to your chosen fund(s) ensuring that this totals 100% (e.g. if allocating across three funds, 33%, 33%, 34%): 

About you
First applicant

This person will receive all regular correspondence in relation to this investment. 

In order to open this investment product you must be a resident in the United Kingdom for tax purposes. 

We are unable to accept direct applications to open a Flexibond from applicants who are not UK-residents for tax purposes. To arrange an appoint with a non-advised sales consultant or financial adviser please call:

0800 622323

We are unable to accept direct applications from US citizens. To arrange an appointment with a non-advised sales consultant or financial adviser please call:

0800 622323

Contact details

Your bank account details

When you enter your bank account details we are not requesting that you pay us, these will be used to electronically verify you and the bank account that you will make your payment from. 

After successful verification we will contact you with an instruction to pay. If we cannot do this, we will contact you for more information.

Please enter the details of the bank account that the single payment will be paid from. 

All future payments will only be accepted from this bank account. Withdrawals can also only be made into this bank account.

If you would like to make payments from or withdraw money into another bank account in future please contact us after you have opened your account.

Second applicant

In order to open this investment product you must be a resident in the United Kingdom for tax purposes.

We are unable to accept direct applications to open a Flexibond from applicants who are not UK-residents for tax purposes. To arrange an appoint with a non-advised sales consultant or financial adviser please call:

0800 622323

We are unable to accept direct applications from US citizens. To arrange an appointment with a non-advised sales consultant or financial adviser please call:

0800 622323

Second applicant's contact details
Second applicant's bank account details

When you enter bank account details we are not requesting that you pay us, these will be used to electronically verify the bank account that payments will be made from.

After successful verification we will be in contact with an instruction to pay. If we cannot do this, we will be in contact for more information.

Please enter the details of the bank account that payments will be paid from.

You are making a request to open a as a holder with a single payment of £ 

Declaration and authorisation

 I declare that: 

  • I have read the latest Key Features, Policy Document and Key Information Document for the fund(s) I am investing in. 
  • I have taken reasonable care that all statements made by me are true and complete. 
  • I accept that NFU Mutual reserves the right to make electronic or other checks about the source of the money being paid into this Policy and may refuse to accept the payments being proposed, or request documentation to confirm the identity of any individuals, beneficial owners, businesses or entities associated with the transaction. 
  • I authorise NFU Mutual to make an electronic record of my application. 
Declaration and authorisation 

I declare that: 

  • I have read the Key Features and latest Key Investor Information Document for the fund(s) I am investing in. 
  • I agree to NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited's terms and conditions and to pay its fees and charges, as set out in ‘My Investments Guide to Charges’. 
  • I declare that I have taken reasonable care that all statements made by me are true and complete. 
  • I accept that NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited reserves the right to make electronic or other checks about the source of the money being paid into this plan and may refuse to accept the payments being proposed, or request documentation to confirm the identity of any individuals, beneficial owners, businesses or entities associated with the transaction. 
  • I authorise NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited to make an electronic record of my application. 
  • I declare that, I have taken reasonable care that all statements made by me within this application are true and complete. I understand that it is a serious offence to make false statements and that to do so could lead to prosecution. 
  • I agree to inform NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited immediately in writing of any change in my circumstances affecting any of the information given in this form.  

Please confirm that both the first and second applicant have read and agree to the above declaration:

Commitment to Mutuality

As a mutual company, with no shareholders, we operate for the benefit of our members. All new policies are subject to a charitable assignment condition, which means that in the event of a future demutualisation, any windfall payment to which a member was entitled would be paid to the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust.  All new policyholders must agree to our commitment to mutuality.

Please read the following Commitment to Mutuality:

Commitment to Mutuality [PDF: 141KB]

Please confirm that both the first and second applicant have read and agree to the Commitment to Mutuality:

Marketing preferences

We would like to send you information about products and services offered by the NFU Mutual Group and carefully selected third parties. We will use your information to identify which products and services are most relevant for you.

We will always treat your personal details with utmost care and will never sell them to other companies for marketing purposes.

To find out more about how we use your personal information, please read our Privacy Policy.

By submitting this form you are happy for us to contact you regarding your enquiry.

We're here to help

If at any stage you'd like some help or support, call us on 0800 622 323 or email

  • Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm