• 1Before making a claim
  • 2Your claim
  • 3The damage
  • 4Your details
1step 1 of 4
step 1 of 4

Before making a claim

We are sorry that you have been affected by the recent weather conditions. If your buildings have been damaged following the bad weather, you can complete this form to make a claim, providing that:

  1. You know your policy number and have the policy documents to hand.
  2. Your buildings, which includes, your home, commercial properties, garages, outbuildings, and boundary walls, insured by us, have been damaged by a storm or a flood. Please note that if your fences or gates have been damaged by high winds this is specifically excluded.
  3. Your claim doesn’t require any urgent action from us.
  4. You have a free 5 to 10 minutes to complete the form.

If all the above statements apply, please proceed.

If not, then please contact your agency between 9am and 5pm, or call our claims department on 0800 072 0168, between 8am and 6pm.

If you a need to make a claim outside of these times, please call 0800 282 652 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and use option 4.

We are unable to process your claim via this web form without your policy number

So that you can tell us about your claim, please contact your agency between 9am and 5pm or call the claims department on 0800 072 0168 between 8am and 6pm.

If you are calling outside of these times, and it's urgent, please call 0800 282 652 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and use option 4. 

Please be aware that many customers will be calling to make a claim and telephone lines are likely to be very busy. To avoid delay, we encourage you to find your policy number and notify us of your claim via the web form. 

Supporting your claim

Details of your claim

The power supply to your property is managed by the electricity distribution operator.

If you are without power we advise you to contact the relevant operator.

You can find out who the electricity distribution operator is at energynetworks.org.

Please provide your details:

What is the address the policy documents are sent to?

By submitting this claim you confirm that all of the above information is correct to the best of your knowledge.