Please choose from one of the two options and we'll be happy to assist you. When you submit your details you'll be entered into our quarterly prize draw to win a £300 Gift Card*.

Renewal date within the next 30 days?

If your insurance is due for renewal within the next 30 days we can call you back within one working day to discuss your options and a quotation.

More than 30 days from your renewal?

If your insurance renewal isn't due within the next 30 days you can still provide us with your details and we'll get in touch nearer the time. 

We'll call you back

Based on your renewal date we're able to provide you with a quote. If you provide us with your contact information a friendly UK-based sales associate from Mutual Direct will call you to discuss your cover.

Let us call you back nearer the time

Thank you for your interest in NFU Mutual.

It may not be the right time to renew your insurance, but we’d still like the chance to offer you a quote. Our quotations are only valid for 30 days so please share your renewal dates with us and we’ll be in touch nearer the time.

A member of our friendly UK-based team will call you within 30 days of your renewal date.

Marketing Preferences

We would like to send you information about products and services offered by the NFU Mutual Group and carefully selected third parties. We will use your information to identify which products and services are most relevant for you.

We will always treat your personal details with utmost care and will never sell them to other companies for marketing purposes.

*By submitting this form you are happy for us to contact you regarding your enquiry and also agree to the terms and conditions of our £300 Gift Card prize draw.

To find out more about how we use your personal information, please read our Privacy Policy.