We are currently experiencing issues with phone lines across NFU Mutual and some agencies. If you experience any problems with getting through to NFU Mutual, please continue to try. If you experience issues getting through to an agency, please contact them via webform

We are currently experiencing issues with phone lines across NFU Mutual and some agencies. If you experience any problems with getting through to NFU Mutual, please continue to try. If you experience issues getting through to an agency, please contact them via webform

The NFU Mutual Charitable Trust

The NFU Mutual Charitable Trust was set up in 1998, to promote and support charities in the United Kingdom working in agriculture, rural development and insurance.

Since then we've made a positive difference to education, research, social welfare and poverty relief.

The Trustees have achieved this by making one off donations and grants to charitable initiatives connected with agriculture, the countryside and the insurance industry.

The objectives of The NFU Mutual Charitable Trust are to promote, facilitate and support such purposes as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales in the areas of agriculture, rural development and insurance in the United Kingdom and in particular.

  • Advance the education of the public by means of research and dissemination of information in relation to agriculture
  • Advance the education of young people within rural areas
  • Relieve poverty within rural areas
  • Promote the benefit and social welfare of inhabitants of rural communities by associating together with the inhabitants and local authorities, voluntary and other organisations to advance education and leisure
  • Promote research into agriculture associated activities
  • Advance the education of the public by means of research and dissemination of information in relation to insurance provided that the charity may also promote, facilitate and support any such other purposes as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales