SPRING STATEMENT: Whilst there were no new announcements coming from the Chancellor's Spring Statement, October's Autumn Budget included several forthcoming changes that might impact you. Find out more.

SPRING STATEMENT: Whilst there were no new announcements coming from the Chancellor's Spring Statement, October's Autumn Budget included several forthcoming changes that might impact you. Find out more.

Great Milton

View Farm Barns, Great Milton, OX44 7NW

Call us: 9am-8pm
01844 278 755

Visit us: 9am-5pm

Great Milton

View Farm Barns, Great Milton, OX44 7NW

About Great Milton

Our team

Andrew Duffy

Andrew Duffy

Senior Agent & Group Secretary

Andrew began working with NFU Mutual in 1988, having previously studied Agriculture at Harper Adams University College in Shropshire. He deals with al…

Kirsty Barrett

Kirsty Louise Barrett

Agent LLB BA (Hons)

Kirsty completed her Legal Practice Certificate and Law degree, before joining the agency in 2010. In March 2013 she joined Andrew as one of the Agent…

Mollie Sweeney-Soffe

Mollie Sweeney-Soffe

Claims Handler & Insurance Adviser

Mollie joined the team in 2018 after working in Vendor Relations most recently and hospitality for several years prior to this. Within the office, she…

Adam Cuthbertson

Adam Cuthbertson

Financial Adviser

Adam will be delighted to offer expert advice on many aspects of financial planning, protection, pensions, investments and inheritance tax. If you wou…

NFU Mutual Financial Advisers advise on NFU Mutual products and selected products from specialist providers. When you contact us we'll explain the advice services we offer and the charges. Financial advice is provided by NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited. Inheritance Tax advice is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Risk Management Services are provided by NFU Mutual Risk Management Services Limited and are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority.

J A Duffy & K L Barrett is an appointed representative of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited. And an introducer to NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited, a member of the NFU Mutual group of companies.

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